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The President and such other officers as the Board may determine by Ordinary Resolution.

One-foot Sit Glide

A one-foot movement in which a skater travels along the ice with one leg in a strongly bent position and the other leg directed forward parallel to the ice.

One-foot Turn

A rotational movement on one foot in which the skater moves from forward to backward or backward to forward.

Open C Step

A C step in which the heel of the free foot is placed on the ice at the inner side of the skating foot, the angle between the two feet being optional. Following the weight transfer, the immediate position of the new free foot is behind the heel of the new skating foot (e.g. lead’s steps 8 and 9 and the follow’s steps 12 and 13 in the Fourteenstep).

Open Kilian Hold

The lead’s left hand holds the follow’s left hand, with the lead’s right hand resting over the follow’s left hip or behind the back. The follow’s right arm is extended. The hold may also be reversed.

Open S Step

A S step in which the free foot is placed on the ice at the inner side of the skating foot. Following the weight transfer the immediate position of the new free foot is behind the heel of the new skating foot.

Open Stroke

A step started close beside the skating foot without crossing in front or behind. On all forward edges, the free leg is held behind before coming to the skating foot for the next step. On all backward edges the free leg is held forward before returning to the skating foot for the next step.

Optional Pattern Dance

A dance for which the pattern may be altered by a team/skater provided that the original step sequences, positions and timing are maintained. Each repetition of the altered pattern must be executed in the same manner and the restart must be commenced from the same place.

Ordinary Resolution

A resolution passed by the majority of votes cast on that resolution.

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