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Layback Spin

An upright spin in which head and shoulders are leaning backward with the back arched. The position of the free leg is optional.  Sideways leaning spin is an upright spin in which head and shoulders are leaning sideways and the upper body is arched.  The position of the free leg is optional.  The sideways leaning spin is classed as a layback spin.

Leading Hand

In ice dance, the leading hand of the lead partner is the right hand except in the case of reversed hold when it is the left hand. The leading hand must remain in the prescribed position for the hold.

Level Of Difficulty

The term given to certain features of elements that increase the value of an element. There are 5 levels of difficulty ranging from Level Base to Level 4.

Listed Jump

A jump that is included in the Scale of Values.


A curve that is representative of a part of a circle.  In ice dance, a lobe is any sequence of steps on one side of the continuous axis that is approximately semi-circular in shape.


Turn:  A one-foot movement where the skater skates an oval pattern using the same edge. The entry and exit of the loop must cross. The loop must be clean cut without scrapes or points.

Jump:  An edge jump with natural rotation that takes off from a backward outside edge; listed in the Scale of Values according to the number of revolutions.

Loop Jump

An edge jump with natural rotation that takes off from a backward outside edge; listed in the Scale of Values according to the number of revolutions.

Lutz Jump

A toe jump with counter rotation that takes off from a backward outside edge; listed in the Scale of Values according to the number of revolutions. 

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