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Hand-in-hand Hold

Facing in same direction – The partners face in the same direction and are skating side by side or one behind the other with their arms extended and their hands clasped. A variation of this is the arm-in-arm side by side hold.

Facing in opposite directions – The partners usually face each other while one skates backward and the other skates forward with the arms extended to the side but sometimes the hold can be skated back to back (e.g. steps 22-25 in the Cha Cha Congelado).

High Kilian Hold

A Kilian Hold in which one pair of the joined hands are elevated to slightly above shoulder height with the elbows slightly bent (e.g. steps 3-12 in the Yankee Polka).


A term used in synchronized skating when one skater performs a movement that is away from and in contrast with the rest of the team.

Honorary Associate

An individual who has distinguished themself through exceptional service to Skate Canada and has been recognized by the Board as an “Honorary Associate”.


A small jump without rotation.


The skaters are in a low sit-like position that is counter-balanced, where the supporting leg is bent to at least ninety degrees (parallel to the ice) and the free leg and hands are not resting on the ice surface.  The skaters’ torsos, including the shoulders, are leaning far in towards the centre of the circle and the free leg is placed to the outside of that circle.  The move is executed on an edge and on one foot.

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