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The data specialist who oversees the team of data specialists at a competition.
In ice dance, a listed or unlisted movement or series of movement(s) as specified by the ISU Ice Dance Technical Committee.
Consists of at least two different movements like spirals, arabesques, spread eagles, Ina Bauers, hydroblading, any jumps with maximum of two revolutions, spins, etc. Steps and turns may be used to link the two or more different movements together. The pattern is not restricted, but the sequence must be clearly visible.
An experienced judge or technical panel official who has been specifically trained by the section and appointed by the Skate Canada Officials Development Committee to deliver training clinics and/or facilitate updates and seminars.
A C Step in which the instep of the free foot is held at the heel of the skating foot until the free foot is placed on the ice behind the heel of the skating foot. Following the weight transfer, the immediate position of the new free foot is in front of the new skating foot (e.g. steps 11 and 12 of the Rocker Foxtrot).
See also: C Step, Swing C Step
The partners are directly opposite each other. One partner faces forward while the other partner faces backward. The lead's right hand is placed firmly on the follow's back at the shoulder blade with the elbow raised and the arm bent sufficiently to hold their partner close. The left hand of the follow is placed at/on the shoulder of the lead so that the arm rests comfortably, elbow to elbow, on the lead's upper arm. The left arm of the lead and the right arm of the follow are extended comfortably at shoulder height. Their shoulders remain parallel.
A S Step in which the instep of the free foot is held at the heel of the skating foot until the free foot is placed on the ice behind the heel of the skating foot. Following the weight transfer the immediate position of the new free foot is in front of the new skating foot (e.g. steps 12 and 13 of the Blues).
See also: S Step, Swing S Step
Husband, wife (or common law spouse), mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, daughter, son, granddaughter, grandson, sister, brother, niece or nephew and such similar relationships created at law.
A not-for-profit organization that is operating for the general purpose of providing Skate Canada skating programs and is managed by a volunteer board of directors.
A competition for which only members of the holding club are eligible.
See also: Invitational Competition
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