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Characteristics of levels of step sequences in ice dance.


In synchronized skating, sub-grouping refers to a subordinate or smaller group(s) without a close relationship to the rest of the team; a division of the team into several smaller groups.

Swing C Step

An open or closed C step in which the free leg swings forward closely past the skating leg, and then back to the skating foot to execute the turn (e.g. steps 20 and 21 of the Harris Tango).

Swing Rocker

A type of rocker or counter in which the free foot swings smoothly past close to the skating foot before the turn and after the turn is either moved past the skating foot and held behind over the tracing or allowed to swing forward.

Swing Roll

A roll held for several beats of music during which, when skating backward, the free leg lifts and then first swings forward, then backward past the skating foot, then back beside to skate the next step. When skating forward, the free leg first swings backward, then forward and then back beside to skate the next step. The swing of the leg gives the sense of a rolling movement.

Swing S Step

An open or closed S step in which the free leg swings forward closely past the skating leg and then back to the skating foot to execute the turn (e.g. steps 5 and 6 [first part] of the Quickstep).

Synchronized Skating Lift

An action in which the skater(s) is(are) lifted to any height either by the lifting skaters or by the lifted skater(s) themselves using body support from other skaters and is counted as a lift when a skater is held off the ice for more than three seconds.

• Pair lift used in synchronized skating is an action in which one skater is lifted and sustained by one other skater.

• Group lift used in synchronized skating is an action in which one or more skater(s) is (are) lifted and sustained to any height by two or more skaters. A lifting skater must have at least one skate on the ice at all times.

Stationary Lift is a lift that is executed on the spot (stationary location) by the lifting skater(s) who may or may not be rotating.

• Gliding Lift (during the preparation, lift/execution and exit): All lifting/supporting skater(s) in a group/pair lift must be skating or gliding as they prepare for the lift. The lifting/supporting skater(s) must continue to glide as the lift is executed. All skaters must continue to glide during the exit of the lift. Skater must be set down (only if required) and after the lifted skater has been set down all skaters must continue to skate/glide.

Rotational lift that glides and rotates at the same time: A lift in which lifting skater(s) rotate while gliding/traveling across the ice. The lifting skaters must continue to glide as the lift is executed (while rotating). All skaters in a group/pair must be skating or gliding as they prepare for the lift and during the rotation. The lifting/supporting must turn from forward to backwards or vise versa using a two-footed turn. All skaters must continue to skate/glide during the exit of the lift. Skater must be set down (only if required) and after the lifted skater has been set down all skaters must continue to skate/glide.

• Acrobatic lifts are moves in which the skater is held only by either the blade(s), foot(feet) or leg(s) and is swung around or is held in a sustained vertical position with the head down. These lifts are illegal in competition.

Syncopated Choreography

In synchronized skating, choreography or elements that have a rhythmic time delay in movement.

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