Category: Guides

Terms used:


The Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act S.C. 2009, c.23 including the regulations made pursuant to the Act, and any statute or regulations that may be substituted, as amended from time to time.


Defines with which Section a Club or Skating School, a Registrant or a Coach has an association.


An edge jump with natural rotation that takes off from a forward outside edge; listed in the Scale of Values according to the number of rotations. Unlike other single jumps which are one rotation, a single Axel has one-and-a-half rotations.


The board of Directors of Skate Canada.


The name for each level of competition within a discipline.  Examples of categories are STAR 1, STAR 2, Pre-Juvenile, Juvenile, Pre-Novice, etc.


A not-for-profit organization that is operating for the general purpose of providing Skate Canada skating programs and is managed by a volunteer board of directors.


A not-for-profit organization that is operating for the general purpose of providing Skate Canada skating programs and is managed by a volunteer board of directors.


The name given to a group of skaters entered in a category. There may be one event per category or several events per category depending on the number of total entries. Each event is independent of the other events within the category.


Defined as a loss of control by a skater with the result that the majority of the skater's body weight is on the ice being supported by any other part of the body other than the blades. e.g. hand(s), knee(s), back, buttock(s) or any part of the arm.

Good Standing

The state or condition of a person who has paid all dues outstanding to Skate Canada, a Club, or a Skating School (as applicable) and whom the Board has not declared not to be in good standing and in the case of Members, a Member whose Membership has not been terminated pursuant to Article 3 hereof.

International Skating Union

The International Skating Union (ISU) is the exclusive international sport federation recognized by the International Olympic Committee administering the sports of Figure Skating and Speed Skating throughout the world. The ISU is composed of a number of national associations called ISU Members that administer ISU sports at the national level and recognize that all international matters are under the sole jurisdiction and control of the ISU.


That status of being in one of the classes as outlined in section 3.1 hereof.


The President and such other officers as the Board may determine by Ordinary Resolution.

Qualifying Events

A qualifying event is any competition or any event that qualifies skaters to the sectional championships and higher. These include, without limitation, Sectional Championships, Skate Canada Challenge, Synchronized Regional Championships, Canadian Figure Skating Championships and Canada Cup.


Includes (i) an individual who is registered by a Club or Skating School with Skate Canada and who is subject to all applicable rules, regulations and policies of Skate Canada but who is not a Member; and (ii) an individual who is engaged in any activity provided, sponsored, supported, sanctioned or recognized by Skate Canada and registered directly with Skate Canada but who is not a Member.

Registration Year

September 1 to August 31 of any given year.


An organization incorporated or organized in a particular province or territory (and in some cases, a combination thereof) strategically aligned with Skate Canada, that may receive funds from provincial or territorial Governmental Authorities and be subject to applicable sport recognition programs and transfer payment arrangements. Each Section is held to the governance and operating requirements of their respective province and / or territory(ies) and is responsible for skating in their respective jurisdictions.

Skate Canada Coach

A skating expert with the required National Coaching Certification Program qualifications to provide a remunerated service at Skate Canada sanctioned clubs and skating schools, both on- and off-ice. These individuals shall have registered, provided full payment and have met all professional coach registration requirements as set annually by Skate Canada.

Skating School

An organization other than a Club that is operating for the general purpose of providing Skate Canada skating programs.


Characteristics of levels of step sequences in ice dance.

Welcome to Skate Canada's Coach Guide, where you can find pertinent information for Skate Canada Coaches. 











National Coaching Certification Program

Access the NCCP Model


Skate Canada’s Long-Term Development (LTD) Coaching Tool

Access Skate Canada's Long-Term Development (LTD) Coaching Tool


CanSkate Coach


The NCCP CanSkate context prepares coaches to teach skating at the FUNdamental stage of development as well as deliver the CanSkate program. Coaches are introduced to biomechanics, skill analysis and quality delivery standards. CanSkate Coaches are eligible to coach at the CanSkate level only. 

Access the NCCP CanSkate Coach Pathway 

PowerSkate Coach

The NCCP PowerSkate context prepares coaches to enhance skating skill development at the Learn to Train stage of development for the sports of hockey and ringette. Coaches will also be trained to deliver the PowerSkate program.  Biomechanics and skill analysis are further developed.  Coaches in this context must wear hockey skates and gloves, and  bring a hockey or ringette stick to the course.

Access the PowerSkate Coach Pathway

Regional Coach


The NCCP Regional Coach context prepares coaches to teach figure skating at the Learn to Train stage of development. Coaches will also be trained to deliver the STAR 1-5 program.  Planning is introduced for lessons, sessions and training. Skill corrective exercises are emphasized through exploration of technique, biomechanics and training strategies. Regional Coaches are eligible to coach figure skating at all levels.

Access the NCCP Regional Coach Pathway 

Provincial Coach

The NCCP Provincial Coach context prepares coaches to further train figure skaters at the Train to Train stage of development. Please note that this context is currently under revision and the pathway will be updated in 2021. 

Access the NCCP Provincial Coach Pathway

National Coach

The NCCP National Coach context is designed for coaches working skaters at the Train to Compete through to the Learn/Live to Win stage of development. Emphasis is placed on strategy development and a well rounded coaching skill set.

Access the NCCP National Coach Pathway


 Virtual Coaching

Virtual/on-line coaching is an acceptable means of training skaters in a safe and healthy delivery. Skate Canada supports virtual/on-line coaching provided it is delivered within the following guidelines.

Access the Virtual Coaching Guidelines


Section Course Administrators 

Skate Canada Sections are responsible for scheduling NCCP courses. For more information on how to become a coach, contact your Section Course Administrator

British Columbia / Yukon - Haley Adams- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Alberta / NWT / NunavutColleen Yavis - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Saskatchewan Danielle Shaw - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Manitoba - Rosalyn Bauer - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ontario - Alec Pitocco - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

QuebecDiane Choquet - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

New Brunswick -  Natasha Senechal Sirois - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Nova ScotiaJill Knowles - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Prince Edward Island This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Newfoundland / LabradorLori Brett - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Provincial/Territorial Coaching Representatives

Alberta: Alberta Sport 

British Columbia: viaSport BC

Manitoba: Sport Manitoba

New Brunswick: Coach NB  

Newfoundland and Labrador: Sport Newfoundland and Labrador

Nova Scotia: Coach NS

Northwest Territories: Sport North Federation

Nunavut: Sport and Recreation Division Development Officer

Ontario: Coaching Association of Ontario

Prince Edward Island: Sport PEI

Quebec: Sports Quebec

Saskatchewan: Coaches Association of Saskatchewan

Yukon: Sport and Recreation

The Locker

The Locker is the Coaching Association of Canada’s Database which houses NCCP achievements for all coaches in over 60 National Sports. Every coach who has taken NCCP training has their own profile which is unique to their individual NCCP number. As a Skate Canada coach, it is important that you visit your Locker on to ensure proper status is captured. Through the Locker Profile, certified coaches can also track and manage their Maintenance of Certification (Professional Development points)

Accessing your Locker

If you do not have your NCCP # you can access “Lookup my NCCP#”

If you have forgotten your password you can use “Forgot my password”

PLEASE NOTE: If there is an ATTENTION showing in your locker please contact CAC at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to obtain access to your locker

Description of Headings in the Locker

  1. Details: This has all your personal information, please ensure that all information is correct and that you indicate that you wish to receive emails from the CAC. The CAC provides many Multi-Sport modules that you can take to obtain PD points.
  2. Certification:
    1. Transcripts: Outlines your NCCP achievements
    2. Maintenance: Outlines the dates of your Maintenance of Certification 3 year cycle as well as the points accumulated.
    3. Coach DeveloperOutlines the pathway to become a Coach Developer. Skate Canada selects coach developers through an application process upon revision of an NCCP program or as needed by a Section.
    4. Self Report: Where you can self-report Professional Development activities for Maintenance of Certification

Maintenance of Certification

The Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) and Skate Canada recognize the value of having certified NCCP coaches that are engaged in professional development programs which reinforce the values of lifelong learning and sharing among the coaching community. Skate Canada coaches with a NCCP certification are required to obtain professional development (PD) points on a three-year cycle in order to maintain their NCCP status and remain in-good standing with Skate Canada. 

Access more information on Maintenance of Certification 

Coach Registration and In Good Standing Requirements 

Coaches are responsible for maintaining an in good standing status throughout the registration year while actively coaching in Skate Canada clubs or skating schools. Coaches who are not in good standing are not permitted to coach. Coaches are encouraged to utilize their coach dashboard through the Membership Site to monitor these requirements. The following requirements must remain up to date:

Access the Coach Membership Procedure

Coach Assessor Information

STAR 1-5 Coach Assessor

Must have the following:

NOTE: In STAR 1-5, coaches may choose to assess their own skaters or assign another coach to assess their skaters.

STAR 6-Gold Skills Coach Assessor

Must have the following:

 STAR 6-Gold Skills Coach Assessor Pathway

Coach Accreditation Policy 

Access the Coach Accreditation Policy 

Ethical Coaching Behaviour and Best Practices

The following resource provides coaches with a guide for expected professional and ethical behaviour in our sport. In skating, coaches will encounter relationships with many stakeholders including, but not limited to:

All Skate Canada coaches are responsible for establishing and maintaining ethical coaching behaviour.

Skate Canada Coach membership expectations

Professionalism expected for Skate Canada Coaches

Solicitation & Self Promotion

Coaches must not directly or indirectly solicit athletes of another coach.

Solicitation is defined as:  the act of asking for or trying to obtain something from someone.

Direct Example: Coach A approaches the parents of Skater B and criticizes Coach B’s methods. Coach A offers to teach Skater B with the promise of better results.

Indirect Example: Coach A tells Parent A that he/she can help Skater B land their axel and that Coach B had terrible technique and coaching style. Parent A tells Parent B. The next day Skater B switches coaches and hires Coach A.

Ethical expectations for various relationships

Coach and skater relationships

 Coach and parent/guardian relationships

 Coach and club/skating school relationships

 Coach and other skating colleague relationships


Coaching Resources 

Program Resources 

Visit the following guides to assist in the delivery of Skate Canada programs.

Video Resources

Visit our Skating Development Video Library to explore skill standards, coach tutorials and more. Visit our eLearning site to explore workshops, seminars and other modules.

Performance Specialist 


Performance Specialists such as choreographers, non-skating dance coaches, non-skating lift coaches, acting coaches, etc. contribute positively to the development of performance skating skills. These specialists often provide services during Skate Canada programming without having an active registered status. In doing so, this poses a considerable risk for all involved and does not align with Skate Canada’s Safe Sport policy in having safe training environments in Clubs and Skating Schools across the country.


The purpose of the Performance Specialist registration is to recognize the important role these specialists play on a coaching team. To allow Performance Specialists services during Skate Canada programming ice, Clubs and Skating Schools need to ensure that Performance Specialists have a registered affiliation and in good standing status with Skate Canada.

Beginning with the 2023-2024 season, all Performance Specialists need a Skate Canada registered in good standing status prior to providing performance development services during on ice programming in Skate Canada Clubs and Skating Schools.


A Performance Specialist is an expert without a figure skating background who can contribute and enhance a skater’s performance. The services Performance Specialists provide are during on-ice Skate Canada programming. These individuals can be on the ice (in skates) or off the ice by the boards (i.e., player’s bench).

Individuals with a figure skating background will not be considered as Performance Specialists and are required to follow the NCCP Pathway.

Registration Requirements

  1. Apply to Skate Canada (details on next page). Upon receiving approval:
  2. Complete a screening with BackCheck every three years,
  3. Complete the Skate Canada Coaches Code of Ethics Training annually,
  4. Complete the Respect in Sport Activity Leader Training every three years,
  5. Pay an annual fee of $173.10 plus applicable taxes.
    1. $93.60 registration fee
    2. $5.00 Safe Sport fee
    3. $74.50 liability, accident, and weekly indemnity insurance fee

Application Process

Qualified candidates must complete the Performance Specialist Application. Once the application has been submitted, email Josée Bourdon, Skate Canada’s Senior Manager of Coaching at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and copy your Section to confirm that an application has been submitted.

Registration Process

Once an application and confirmation email are received, the verification process will begin. Successful applicants will be notified within 3-5 business days. Once an application is approved, the following will take place:

Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions must be followed: