Category: Guides

Terms used:


The board of Directors of Skate Canada.


The name for each level of competition within a discipline.  Examples of categories are STAR 1, STAR 2, Pre-Juvenile, Juvenile, Pre-Novice, etc.


A championship that qualifies athletes toward and including, but not limited to, the Canadian Figure Skating Championships.


A not-for-profit organization that is operating for the general purpose of providing Skate Canada skating programs and is managed by a volunteer board of directors.


A not-for-profit organization that is operating for the general purpose of providing Skate Canada skating programs and is managed by a volunteer board of directors.


The name given to a group of skaters entered in a category. There may be one event per category or several events per category depending on the number of total entries. Each event is independent of the other events within the category.


The name given to a group of skaters entered in a category. There may be one event per category or several events per category depending on the number of total entries. Each event is independent of the other events within the category.

Good Standing

The state or condition of a person who has paid all dues outstanding to Skate Canada, a Club, or a Skating School (as applicable) and whom the Board has not declared not to be in good standing and in the case of Members, a Member whose Membership has not been terminated pursuant to Article 3 hereof.

Invitational Competitions

A competition that is open to competitors and/or teams from more than one club and may include members of other foreign associations. There may be a selection process whereby skaters qualify to advance to higher levels of competition based on their results at the club/regional/sectional level.


An individual sixteen years of age or older who has been trained and appointed to officiate at or below a specified level of competition in one or more of singles, pairs, ice dance or synchronized skating.


Each person that meets the requirements of any of the three Member classes as defined in Article 3 hereof and that has been duly admitted as a member of Skate Canada.


Each person that meets the requirements of any of the three Member classes as defined in Article 3 hereof and that has been duly admitted as a member of Skate Canada.


That status of being in one of the classes as outlined in section 3.1 hereof.

Qualifying Competitions

A qualifying event is any competition or any event that qualifies skaters to the sectional championships and higher. These include, without limitation, National Summer Series, Sectional Championships, Skate Canada Challenge, Synchronized Regional Championships, Canadian Figure Skating Championships and the Canadian Synchronized Skating Championships.


Includes (i) an individual who is registered by a Club or Skating School with Skate Canada and who is subject to all applicable rules, regulations and policies of Skate Canada but who is not a Member; and (ii) an individual who is engaged in any activity provided, sponsored, supported, sanctioned or recognized by Skate Canada and registered directly with Skate Canada but who is not a Member.

Registration Year

September 1 to August 31 of any given year.


An organization incorporated or organized in a particular province or territory (and in some cases, a combination thereof) strategically aligned with Skate Canada, that may receive funds from provincial or territorial Governmental Authorities and be subject to applicable sport recognition programs and transfer payment arrangements. Each Section is held to the governance and operating requirements of their respective province and / or territory(ies) and is responsible for skating in their respective jurisdictions.

Skating School

An organization other than a Club that is operating for the general purpose of providing Skate Canada skating programs.


The visible tracing on the ice that is executed on one foot. A step is counted each time there is a change of foot.

This article explains how to operate a Skate Canada club/skating school.  It includes all of the tasks that must be completed on a yearly basis by the club/skating school administrator.

General Information

Club and School Operating Requirements

Clubs and Skating schools must adhere to the Club and School Operating Requirements set by Skate Canada in order to remain in good standing.

Membership Site

The Membership Site is the portal through which a club or skating school interacts with Skate Canada to accomplish administrative functions.  All instructions on navigating the Membership Site can be found on the site itself.


The definition is included within the Skate Canada Bylaws.


The definition is included within the Skate Canada Bylaws.

Home Organization

The home organization of a registrant is the Skate Canada club or skating school through which he/she registers with Skate Canada. A registrant may participate in programming at more than one club or skating school, but can only have one home organization per registration year. The first organization to enroll a registrant will be considered by Skate Canada as their home organization. 

Skate Canada Number

Every Skate Canada registrant and coach is assigned a unique 10-character Skate Canada number which remains with that person for his/her lifetime. Returning registrants and coaches should reference their original Skate Canada numbers when corresponding with Skate Canada.

Club and Skating School Organization Information

Review and update your club or skating school’s organization information through the Membership Site under Organization Information. Note: club and skating school invoices are emailed to the “Billing Email” and “Organization Email”.

It is important to reference your club or skating school name and Skate Canada number when corresponding with Skate Canada.

Skate Canada Contact Information

Contact information for Skate Canada can be found on the Skate Canada website.

Administrator Management


A club/skating school administrator performs the administrative functions at the club; this includes tasks related to registration, assessment days, and invoicing. A club/skating school administrator can be a paid employee of the club/skating school and is not necessarily a Skate Canada registrant.

Administrative Access to The Membership Site

Clubs and skating schools can determine who has administrative access to the Membership Site for their organization. Current administrators can grant administrative access to additional individuals by logging into the Membership Site, clicking on Org Management ˃ Organization Administrative Access. Should no individual have administrative access to the Membership Site, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 


Skate Canada’s registration year begins on September 1 and runs until August 31. All registration related tasks are performed via the Membership Site. The Skate Canada Membership Site begins accepting registrations for the upcoming year approximately one to two weeks prior to the start of the new registration year.  Clubs and skating schools will be notified by e-mail of the exact date that registration opens.

Organization Registration

Clubs and skating schools must register their organizations annually through the Membership Site by clicking on Org Management ˃ Organization Membership.

Organization Locations

Clubs and skating schools must list all rink locations used by your club/skating school by clicking on Org Management > Organization Locations.  Note: any changes to your skating locations must be communicated to, and approved by, your Section Office.

Manage Programs & Registrants

Clubs and skating schools must register their skaters, officials, boardmembers and program assistants annually through the Membership Site by clicking on Org Management ˃ Manage Programs & Registrants. To enroll these registrants with Skate Canada, they must be added to all applicable activity lists. Registration will only be submitted once per registration year when using the same registrant Skate Canada number. When a skater changes between activities throughout the season, they must be added to the new activity list.

The following are the available activity lists, which includes a brief description:

Board of Directors: for all club officers, directors and committee members.

Program Assistants: for registrants who have completed the program assistant training to assist with on-ice delivery of Skate Canada skating programs.

Officials: for registrants who judge/evaluate assessments days and competitions.

PowerSkate: for registrants who are enrolled in the PowerSkate program.

CanSkate: for registrants who are enrolled in the CanSkate learn-to-skate program.

Podium Pathway: All individuals competing in Juvenile or higher are in Podium Pathway. 

STARSkate: for registrants who are enrolled in the STAR 1-5 Program or the STAR club/school programming. These skaters may participate in non-qualifying events such as club and invitational competitions

Activity Changes for 2022/2023: 

On-Ice Aide: Individuals that have been assigned to a specific adaptive skater. These on-ice aides no longer need to be added to an activity list or be a current registrant. Instead, the on-ice aide must be identified in the skater's profile by clicking on their name within the corresponding activity list. Once you identify the skater as Adaptive Skater you will then be asked for the aide's name. To add an on-ice aide to a new Skater's profile, create the new registrant first, then open their profile to record this information.  Program Assistants must still be registered under Program Assistant activity list

Adult: The designation of Adult is automatically determined by age. Select the program in which the individual will participate. 

Special Olympics Athlete / Adaptive Skater: is defined in the skater's profile information, which should be updated by clicking on the Skater's name in the activity list once you have assigned them. 

Synchronized Skating: if the individual belongs to a Novice Junior or Senior Team they need to be added to a Podium Pathway activity list. For all other categories, the individual needs to be added to a STARSkate activity list. Synchronized Skating Teams are reported under Org Management > Competitor Management. 

Administrators can also confirm and download registrations for any given year on the Completed Registrations page by following the on-screen instructions. 

Competitor Identification

Registrants must be affiliated with any of the following activities to be able to register for any competition sanctioned by Skate Canada or under the authority of a Section as an individual competitor: 

If a CanSkater or PowerSkater progresses up to any of these programs within a season, they must be added to an activity list affiliated with one of these Programs. Instructions for completing this are on-screen in the Membership Site at Org Management > Manage Programs & Registrants. 

Home Organization Transfers

A registrant may change his/her home organization after having enrolled with a club or skating school for the current registration year, subject to the provisions of the Home Organization Policy.

All transfer requests can be made to the Member Services Department by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Please include the following information for each registrant:

Collection and Privacy of Registrant/Coach Information

Skate Canada understands that privacy is important, and we are committed to delivering quality services to everyone by improving and strengthening our privacy program in order to remain a leader in the sports world. 

We have updated our Privacy Code. The policy describes the way that Skate Canada preserves the privacy of all registrants, coaches, officials, volunteers, employees and any other confidential business information by outlining the obligations and procedures for dealing with personal, privileged and/or confidential information.

For transparency and openness with our registrants, members, and all other stakeholders, a notice of collection must be present wherever private information is collected. The statement reflects existing data sharing practices between clubs, schools, and Skate Canada. 

All Skate Canada clubboardmembers, skating school administrators, coaches, volunteers and anyone else who is granted access to personal, privileged, and/or confidential information must review the Skate Canada Privacy Code.   

To review the Privacy Code:

All Skate Canada clubs and skating schools must include the Notice of Collection Statement (Appendix of the Privacy Code) to their paper or electronic registration forms (including event registration forms). The notice of collection must be submitted to the club and/or skating school as part of the registration process.

For more information or questions regarding the Skate Canada Privacy Code, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Registration Fees

Club and skating school fees are listed in the Membership Site at point of registration.

Re:Sound and SOCAN Information (Entandem) 

Entandem is a joint venture between Re:Sound and SOCAN, created to simplify the music licensing process.  

Re:Sound and SOCAN are separate organizations that represent different stakeholders in the music recording industry. 

Skate Canada has negotiated reduced rates for all Skate Canada Clubs and Skating Schools for music use during regular sessions.  Clubs and schools are invoiced directly by Skate Canada through annual registration, which Skate Canada remits to each of these organizations.  Club and skating school fees are listed in the Membership Site at point of registration. 

Additionally, clubs and skating schools must remit fees directly to Entandem through their website at for any additional events, such as ice shows and/or competitions.  All inquiries should be forwarded to Entandem directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at 1.866.944.6223.   

Reporting Your Organization's Groups

Board of Directors

Once boardmembers are registered, they must be reported to Skate Canada through the Membership Site by clicking on Org Management > Group Management.

All reported club board members will receive Skate Canada communications, unless they have individually selected to unsubscribe.

Competition Teams

All teams intending on competing at domestic competitions sanctioned by Skate Canada or under the authority of a Section must first be reported to Skate Canada through the Membership Site by clicking on Org Management > Competitor Management. All types of teams must be identified:

Insurance Information

Injury Benefit

Skate Canada registrants who are enrolled in the registration year in which they are participating in a Skate Canada program are covered by an injury benefit. All clubboardmembers and on-ice volunteers are also covered by this injury benefit as long as they register with Skate Canada. Off-ice volunteers do not have to register and are covered by this injury benefit as long as they do not step on the ice.

Liability Insurance

Only clubs and skating schools that are registered and operate in accordance with Skate Canada rules, that offer only Skate Canada programs and that register all participants (if applicable) are covered by liability insurance.

Important note: Club board members and skating school administrators could be held personally liable should an incident occur if their club or skating school is operating a Skate Canada program with unregistered participants/coaches on the ice. It is the responsibility of the club board and skating school administrators to ensure that all professional coaches are in good standing prior to stepping on the ice. It should also be verified that all registrants have been enrolled with Skate Canada before taking part in any Skate Canada programs offered on club or skating school ice.

Optional Insurance

In addition to mandatory purchasing of liability insurance, Skate Canada clubs and skating school may choose to purchase additional coverage for items not covered by liability insurance. Appropriate links can be found within the Membership Site through Org Management > Insurance Management. Note that different provinces have different additional insurance options:

Insurance Guide

For answers to frequently asked general insurance questions that are not addressed above, please see our Insurance Guide

Reporting an Incident

To report any incident to Skate Canada that involves the health and/or safety of program participants, please access the form through the Membership Site.

Assessment Information and Submission

Accessing Registrant’s Assessment Records

Club or school administrators may view personal achievements (e.g., skater assessment records) for registrants under Manage Skating Assessments > View Skater Assessment Records. 

Submitting Assessment Results

Assessment Coordinators who have administrative access can submit assessment results online through the Membership Site by clicking on Org Management > Manage Skating Assessments. Assessment results submitted online can be paid by credit card at time of submission or by cheque following the submission. Please do not submit paper assessment summary sheets for assessments that are submitted online as doing so will result in duplicate records and invoices. If the cheque option was chosen for assessment results submitted online, please only send the cheque with the club/skating school name, club/skating school number and reference the online assessment submission.

Clubs and skating schools that choose not to submit assessment results online may continue to submit paper Assessment Summary Sheets to Skate Canada along with a club or skating school cheque for total fees. Assessment Summary sheets and assessment codes can be downloaded through the Membership Site's Org Management > Manage Skating Assessments.

Note that assessments requiring additional fees (e.g., challenge assessments), or assessments taken by coaches, cannot be submitted through the online assessment entry tool. For these assessments, please submit paper assessment summary sheets by mail along with payment.

Assessment Fee Information

Assessment fee information can be found on the Membership Site through Org Management > Manage Skating Assessments or in the STAR Assessments and STARSkate Tests rules.



Invoices are sent electronically to clubs and skating schools monthly for all registrations completed within the previous month. Invoices are sent to the email addresses provided under Organization Management > Organization Information > Organization Email and Billing Email. 

All invoices are due upon receipt. Payment can be made by cheque to the following address: Skate Canada 261-1200 St. Laurent Blvd, Box 15, Ottawa, Ontario K1K 3B8 or by direct billing through the following financial institutions: Desjardins, RBC, CIBC, BMO, Credit Union, National Bank or Scotiabank. List the bill payee as Skate Canada and use your club/skating school number for the account number.  If paying by cheque please include your club or skating school Skate Canada number directly on the cheque.   

Club and skating schools can review the registrants associated with each invoice, once received, through the Membership Site by clicking on Org Management > Completed Registrations. 

Refund Policy

The Refund Policy can be found on the Membership Site.


Coaches must be registered and in good standing in order to instruct Skate Canada club or skating school programming. Details can be found in the Professional Coach Membership Procedure.

Clubs and skating schools must confirm whether a coach is registered in good standing through the Membership Site's coach directory found under Coach Eligibility.

Coaches Who Wish to Compete

In order for a registered coach to compete, he/she must also be enrolled as a registrant with Skate Canada through a club or skating school as per Competitions rule.

Note that a registered Skate Canada Professional Coach is eligible to skate and try Skate Canada assessments without having to register as a registrant.

Clubs and skating schools can request to have a coach added to their list of available registrants by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Coaches Who Wish to Serve on a Club's Board of Directors

In order for a registered coach to serve on a club board, he/she does NOT need to be enrolled as a registrant with Skate Canada.

Note that ALL club board members must be reported to Skate Canada (see Reporting Your Organization's Groups).

Coaches Who Wish to Officiate

In order for a coach to officiate at any STAR or higher non-qualifying and/or qualifying competitions he/she does need to be a current registrant with Skate Canada. Coaches who also officiate may request to register as an official through their Coach Dashboard > Register as an Official at no additional cost.

Purchasing Skate Canada Program Material

Program material can be purchased through the online store within the Membership Site.  Access to the online store is available to coaches and club/skating school administrators. Payment options are listed within the online store.

Questions regarding orders can be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 1-888-747-2372 (select the "online store orders" option when prompted).