Category: Guides

Terms used:


A championship that qualifies athletes toward and including, but not limited to, the Canadian Figure Skating Championships.


A not-for-profit organization that is operating for the general purpose of providing Skate Canada skating programs and is managed by a volunteer board of directors.


A not-for-profit organization that is operating for the general purpose of providing Skate Canada skating programs and is managed by a volunteer board of directors.


The name given to a group of skaters entered in a category. There may be one event per category or several events per category depending on the number of total entries. Each event is independent of the other events within the category.


That status of being in one of the classes as outlined in section 3.1 hereof.

Skating School

An organization other than a Club that is operating for the general purpose of providing Skate Canada skating programs.


The visible tracing on the ice that is executed on one foot. A step is counted each time there is a change of foot.


A rotational movement in which the skater moves from forward to backward or backward to forward using one foot and on an edge and axis (e.g. Three-turn, Bracket). In a two-foot turn the rotational movement from forward to backward or backward to forward is from one foot to the other foot (e.g. C step, S step).

CanSkate is Skate Canada’s official “Learn to Skate” program.  It is highly regarded by other ice sport organizations as the favoured curriculum to develop the skills needed to participate in their sports. It is also an excellent program to teach Canadians to skate for the joy of skating at any age or ability.

Below you will find everything you need to deliver this program at your club or skating school.






CanSkate Resource Guide (Manual)

The CanSkate Manual contains all the information needed to deliver the CanSkate program at your club or skating school.  Topics include:

Access the CanSkate Manual

Please note, this manual is undergoing a refresh. The refreshed version will be available in both printable and downloadable formats.

NOTE: The document below outlines the updated descriptions and requirements for all the CanSkate elements. It replaces the information from the CanSkate Skills Descriptions and Standards presented in the CanSkate Manual. This resource is necessary for all CanSkate coaches and program assistants. 

CanSkate Element Descriptions and Requirements

CanSkate Lesson Plan and Circuits Resource Guide

CanSkate Lesson Plan and Circuits Resource Guide

CanSkate Element Videos

The CanSkate Elements video playlist can be found on our YouTube Skating Development Video Library. The playlist include examples of every skill in the CanSkate program performed to the passing standard.

This playlist is an excellent resource for:

Access CanSkate Element videos

CanSkate Tutorials

The CanSkate Tutorial videos offer coaches and program assistants tips and strategies for quality skill development as well as program delivery.  This is a great tool for new ideas or refreshers.  Topics include:

Access CanSkate Tutorial videos

Ask the Expert

This series of videos provides helpful clarifications and explores frequently asked questions.

Access Ask the Expert videos

CanSkate Modified Delivery Options

The delivery of the CanSkate or PowerSkate program can be modified to meet the needs of various participants.

Programs may also share ice with other programs when appropriate. Examples of shared ice modifications can be found here as well.

Access Modified Delivery Options PDF

CanSkate Challenge Event Package

The Learn to Skate stage of development identifies the optimal performance opportunities for CanSkate skaters is at the club or skating school

This event package identifies strategies and tools to be used for CanSkate performance days including:

Access CanSkate Challenge Event Materials

Brand Marketing Toolkit

This toolkit provides clubs and skating schools with official branding, pictures and slogans for the current season.  These items may be used in the following locations:

Brand Marketing Toolkit 

Canada Skates Featuring CanSkate

Canada Skates is a video series featuring a variety of topics related to the quality delivery of our programs. Canada Skates featuring CanSkate will give highlights, tips and strategies to coaches, program assistants and clubs or skating schools on how to maximize their program delivery. 

These videos may also be used to educate parents and skaters. Topics include:

These videos may be shared through social media, websites or email.

Access Canada Skates Featuring CanSkate videos

CanSkate Tools & Supplies

The following items may be purchased or downloaded to assist in the delivery of the CanSkate program:

For purchase through our physical product store in the Membership Site (link below). Once accessed, select the CanSkate program from the drop-down menu.

eLearning for CanSkate

To further support the quality development of this program, visit our eLearning site to explore workshops, seminars and modules on CanSkate. Click on the course title below to go directly to that course. 

CanSkate Minimum Requirements and Delivery Standards

Click the following link to view the minimum requirements and delivery standards by which all Skate Canada clubs and skating schools must abide when offering the CanSkate program. Note: The advanced delivery standards are optional. 

Access Skate Canada Program Requirements and Delivery Standards PDF